Friday, November 21, 2008

Sick Nelle

This morning I woke up and Nelle felt like she was on fire so I took her temperature and turns out she had a fever of 103.3. I gave her some Tylenol and called the Dr. They said it sound like she just has a virus and that there is nothing we can really do but Tylenol and comfort. This is the first time our little baby has been sick and she just seems so miserable. She just wants to cuddle with mommy and go to sleep. We hope our poor girl gets feeling better soon although I will miss the cuddling.


Anonymous said...

What!?! Oh no!!! Poor little thing. It's always worse when they are too little to understand what's going on... they just know they're miserable. Give her a love for us.

Jenny said...

poor nelle!!! it is the absolute worst when they are sick. i must admit that i love the extra cuddling though! we found that alternating tylenol with baby motrin worked best for gabe. he actually does better with baby motrin, and it seemed to last longer as well. i hope nelle feels better soon! i always worry like crazy when gabe runs a fever. :) she may be teething?? gabe would always get a nasty fever that would last for a bit and then sure enough a tooth would pop through.

Anonymous said...

We hope she is getting better and better each passing moment