Saturday, November 29, 2008


Nelle loves books! She goes nuts when you pull out a book and read to her. We have been reading to her every night and here I am reading her first Christmas book to her.


Jenny said...

look at your dark hair!! i love it!! and yes - bring on the books! i largely attribute gabe's quick vocabulary to 1) being an eldredge (smart!) baby and 2) books. plus it keeps them entertained for a long time!

Annie said...

i love the dark hair too! Super cute and keep up the books they are great for keeping kids quite if they learn to love them!

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! That's my =smartest granddaughter ever"!!! I'm so glad she loves books. I hope it's a lifelong love affair. (Yeah, we like the dark hair too. Fun change.)

papanmimialvarez said...

Your hair makes you look so young!! And I'm thrilled Nelle is enjoying books, not only are they great for keeping her entertained, they'll teach her problem solving and critical thinking skills, and build her vocabulary, and, and, and... you know me, I'm just thrilled you're reading to her!