Thursday, October 9, 2008

I can sit

Nelle has gotten so good at sitting up on her own. You still have to help her every now and again but for the most part she's gotten it down.


Anonymous said...

Well, of course. You have to sit to drive Daddy's Mustang! (She really is growing up so (too) fast!!

Jenny said...

way to go nelle! i'm impressed. gabe was about 6-7 months old before he could sit up without falling down. he'd get so excited just to be propped up in the corner of the chair. and i just love her pigtails!!

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see her she gets cuter and cuter. Love Grandma&PaPa

papanmimialvarez said...

Oh my goodness look at those dimples. Blue eyes and dimples, better get a BIG gun Daddy!!