Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Moving Girl

Nelle has been getting very mobile lately. She is still just army crawling around but she is very good at it. She will be crawling in a couple weeks I bet. She gets into everything she can find and I find my self saying no an awful lot. She just turns and smiles of course. I guess its about time to box up everything in her reach.


Anonymous said...

Crawling, then walking, then running, the driving... time really does fly!! Great pix.

Anonymous said...

Its time for you to get down on the floor and see what Nelle see's. So hopefully you won't have to say no so often. Love Grandma and PaPa

papanmimialvarez said...

Oh my gosh, look at that smile! That baby oughta be in pictures!! ;-)

Jenny said...

i love her smile in the first picture!