Sunday, August 17, 2008


So this past weekend Jake told me we were going camping. I told him no we absolutely were not going camping and so this past weekend we went camping with our friends Dante and Heidi. Now a little background on me...I HATE camping! The whole tent, cold, no bathrooms, no running water thing just doesn't do it for me but apparently it does for Jake. But anyways we went up around Mirror Lake on Friday and were planning on staying till Sunday but ended up coming home on Saturday Night. Friday night it got really cold, I think the temperature was down in the 30's and in the morning Nelle had a little cough so we decided it would be better if we didn't stay the other night. We went fishing and saw Provo River Falls and just kinda hung out. Nelle was really fascinated by the fire! Jake and Nelle had a good time and I guess It wasn't that bad for me either.The first night

Sleeping on Heidi
Fishing with Dante


Anonymous said...

Those pix are great. Looks like you're none the worse for wear. I especially like the picture of you holding Nelle (Where you're wearing the blue bandanna.)

Anonymous said...

Do we have a real fisherman in the family? She looks like she knows what she's doing. Go Nelle

Anonymous said...

sorry folks anonymous is Grandma & Papa. Nelle looks like she could be a real outdooors women unlike her mother or Grandmother.