Saturday, May 31, 2008

Birth announcement

A few fun pictures

Photo shoot

Papa Eldredge took Janelle's first photo shoot pictures.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

She's getting big

Janelle had a visit with Dr. Jed today. When she was born she weighed 8 pounds and 4 days later she weighed 7.6 pounds. On her 2 week visit she was already up to 8.8 pounds. Its 12 days since then and she now weighs 9.6 pounds! She is a big girl.

Mimi Aerobics

Mimi Eldredge was getting a workout with Nelle and Papa got some good pictures. At least a couple times a day we have to give Nelle her workout time ever since Mimi did. She just loves it. A big sarcastic thanks Mimi!

Nelle's family in Virginia

This is Jakes oldest brother, Michael his wife Jenny and there son Gabe. This is Janelle's only cousin...for now. Jenny recently announced that she is pregnant again!! Congrats! We cant wait for Janelle to meet them.

Isn't Gabe a stud!!

Gabe and Michael
Gabe, Jenny, and Michael

Monday, May 26, 2008

Nelle gives her mommy kisses

Look shes giving me kisses!!! Well at least thats what we call it. Shes actually trying to eat my face.

Grandma and Papa come to visit

Over mothers day weekend Grandma and Papa Grosse came to visit from Colorado. She slept most of the time but she did wake up a few times to smile at Grandma! We all thank you for coming and we send our love.

Group family pictures

Lyle, Beth, Rachel and baby Nelle
Jake, Paula, Lloyd, Rachel and baby Nelle

Laurel, Mel, Dan, Derrick, Rachel, Jake and baby Nelle

Rachel, Rebecca, Jake, Great grandpa Curtis, Sydney, Candi, Nelle and Great Grandma Curtis

Some of my favorite pics

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Janelle's first bath

Daddy helped the nurse give Janelle her first bath. She absolutely loved getting her hair washed and brushed by her daddy. She however really didn't like the bath part. She was an unhappy baby.

Everyone meets Janelle

After everyone waited outside the hospital room with their ears up to the door for 2 hours they finally got to meet the new baby.

Janelle and Papa Alvarez

Janelle and Nana Curtis

Janelle and Papa Eldredge

Janelle and Mimi Eldredge

Janelle and Mimi Wachter

Janelle and Uncle Derrick

Janelle and Aunt Laurel

Janelle and Uncle Drew

Janelle and Uncle Wil

Janelle and Ez

Our little family is started

Janelle Sadie Eldredge was born on May 2nd at 12:37 AM

Janelle and Mommy minutes after she was born

Daddy holding his little girl for the first time