Yesterday, May 2nd was Nelle's 1st birthday! I know, I cant believe it either. Its crazy to me to think LAST year we were in the hospital with a new baby. So much has changed with her. Its just amazing how much babies learn in the first year. I just love watching her learn new things.
We decided for her 1st birthday we were gonna throw her a little party. The original plan was to have a BBQ out in our back yard. Well of course...it rained all day Saturday! It worked out tho, we just moved the party inside. We had to fully re-arrange our house. The couches were out on the front patio, the kitchen table and chairs were in our room, and various other things were piled where ever they would fit. There were 20 people crammed into our little house and we still managed to do the BBQ. Dad manned the BBQ and made great food as well as there was tons of other food. Nelle got lots of great toys and clothes, and she absolutely loved opening them all up. We also gave her a piece of birthday cake to smear all over her self and maybe eat. Surprisingly, she didn't get as much all over her self as I had thought she would. It was a great party and most importantly Nelle had fun! Thank you all so much for coming and celebrating Nelle's first birthday!

Beautiful little one year old!! Fun part, great memories!
One smart not to mention cute 1 year old. PaPa and I really enjoyed our babysitting job. Even after all these years I can still change a poopie diaper. Thanks Nellie. We love you all and miss you already. Love Grandma & Papa
yay!! happy birthday nelle! gabe still to this day walks around the house and occasionally says "happy birthday nelle". it's so dang cute. it looks like she had a great party! thanks again for meeting us on ichat. we need to do that more often. :D
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