She can sit on her own (sometimes she falls over but she is really good at it)
She can grab toys
She follows voices and people
She can stand as long as you balance her
She sleeps through the night
She eats foods (rice cereal, peas, squash, and carrots so far. She loves carrots)
She can roll over from front to back and back to front
I'm sure there is more I just cant think of all of it off the top of my head. On the down side she is teething! Such a wonderful whiny time.

no way - 5 months already!!! it feels like it was just yesterday when she was born. time flies. with parenting, the days are long but the years fly by. she really does keep getting cuter by the day. that's so great she is doing well on solid foods! so exciting. the teething is definitely not fun. we'd give gabe baby tylenol on the bad days. a lot of moms swear by the teething tablets, but they didn't seem to help a ton with gabe. we put his binki in the fridge a lot and gave him stuff to chew on.
5 months... to fast and too slow. Every day's a treasure. And she's an angel. Got some pretty dang good parents too. Lucky her, lucky us.
The two most beautiful girls in my life. love Grandma & PaPa
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