Sunday, December 28, 2008
So we took Nelle to the Dr. the day after Christmas because she woke up with a fever of 104. He diagnosed her with a viral infection called Roseola. Evidently you only get this illness once when you are a infant and then your body builds up an immunity to it and you will never get it again. He gave us a timeline on how the illness will progress and so far he is spot on. In good news, her fever is gone and she is feeling much better!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Unfortunately, for Nelle's first Christmas she was sick. But luckily she was surrounded by family to make her feel at least a little better. Christmas Eve she developed a fever and it still hasn't gone away. The poor girl is miserable. We started our Christmas at home at 4:30 in the morning when Nelle decided it was time to wake up (she was just burning up). A little later that morning I made breakfast and we opened only a few presents as Nelle was overwhelmed. We waited and then proceeded and opened more. Then we went to Papa and Mimi Eldredge's house and met up with the fam. We had a good little lunch and exchanged presents. I have to say my favorite part was singing messed up Christmas carols! Then it was off to Nana's for the last stop. By this time Nelle was TOTALLY miserable but still enjoyed Nana's presents as much as she could. Overall, Nelle's first Christmas could have gone better but we tried to make it the best we could with what we had to work with. Thank you to everyone for everything and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Baby Grant Eldredge
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Flu Shots
Friday, December 19, 2008
New baby!!
Congrats Jenny and Michael! They welcomed their new baby boy Grant this morning at 8:03 am. Nelle's new cousin. Im awaiting pictures and will post as soon as I get them but I am sure hes beautiful. Were so excited and cant wait to meet him.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Eldredge Family Christmas Party
This past Sunday was the Eldredge family Christmas party. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for Nelle for wear her Christmas dress. It was a lot of fun, especially for Nelle. Jakes cousin Adam has a little girl who is about 18 months and Nelle found her very fascinating. So she found a friend and got a bag of presents from her Great grandma and grandpa. I think her favorite part of her present was the ribbon tying it together. (I just love how the simple things entertain her). Thank so much for the gifts!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Nelle meets Santa!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Play by play
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Happy Moving Girl
Nelle has been getting very mobile lately. She is still just army crawling around but she is very good at it. She will be crawling in a couple weeks I bet. She gets into everything she can find and I find my self saying no an awful lot. She just turns and smiles of course. I guess its about time to box up everything in her reach.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Wil and Jess tie the knot
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Nelle meets Gabe!!
Today Nelle met her only cousin, Gabe for the first time. There is soon to be another cousin...(16 days), but till then this is her only one. We have been waiting for a long time for them to meet and she was quite taken with him. He gave her lots of loves and kisses and read her a book, it was so cute.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
For Nelle's first Thanksgiving we went to the Curtis Family Thanksgiving. Nelle had never met many of that side of the family but she did very good. There was a lot of good food and high spirits as always. Nelle's great grandpa Curtis played the piano (he plays amazing) and people sang and other people played the piano also. It was a lot fun but the day wasn't over yet. My mom came into town and when we got home I started cooking. I made Thanksgiving for my mom and step-dad which if I may say was fabulous. It was a busy day but overall I would say was a great first Thanksgiving for her.

Thanksgiving Weekend
For this Thanksgiving weekend Grandma and Papa came to visit. Nelle had so much fun climbing back and forth across our laps, from me to Grandma then to Papa and back again. We went to Temple Square which Nelle loved because she got to people watch and Grandma and I set up our Christmas tree. Nelle was completely amazed by the tree! Thanks so much for coming and don't be strangers.

Army crawl
Today Nelle was doing tummy time at Papa and Mimi Eldredge's house and she army chawled across the floor. It was slow moving but she actually moved and it was a considerable distance for her first time. She is never sitting still unless she is sleeping and I just know we will have quite a active baby on our hands when she learns to crawl.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sick Nelle
This morning I woke up and Nelle felt like she was on fire so I took her temperature and turns out she had a fever of 103.3. I gave her some Tylenol and called the Dr. They said it sound like she just has a virus and that there is nothing we can really do but Tylenol and comfort. This is the first time our little baby has been sick and she just seems so miserable. She just wants to cuddle with mommy and go to sleep. We hope our poor girl gets feeling better soon although I will miss the cuddling.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
These pictures were from a while ago they were just stuck on my camera and I finally got them off. Nana is an amazing piano player and Jake talked her into playing for Nelle. It didn't take much to talk her into it and it was worth every word. Nelle loved it! She even tried to help play at one point.

At the Park
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